Play Based Preschools

The Power of Play: Embracing Play-Based Education at New Day School

Children's social skills and emotional intelligence are nurtured at the New Day School through play activities. We believe that a child should be taught and raised as a whole individual—spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. Our philosophy of education, based on neo-humanism, has enabled us to raise children in an atmosphere filled with warmth and safety from 1979 to date.

New Day School Key Features of Play-Based Learning

1-Storytelling and Art Storytelling: These activities are vital to our children's play-based curriculum. These creative activities will improve language skills, imaginative thoughts, and how children express their feelings. Through stories, children create a plot, listen respectfully to perspectives, and provide empathy towards others. Art is a means of self-expression and refines fine motor, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

2-Music and Movement: Music and movement are excellent cognitive and physical development tonics. Our brain is stimulated by singing, dancing, and playing musical instruments; it becomes more coordinated in work and understands rhythm better. Such actions are also social ones that enable cooperation and cultural appreciation.

3-Yoga and Meditation: Our program, founded on Neo-Humanist ideas, integrates the everlasting wisdom of yoga and meditation to encourage awareness, compassion, and a global view in every child. By practicing yoga poses, mindful breathing, and meditation, children become more self-aware of their emotions and thus control them while finding inner tranquility.

4-Gardening and Nature Exploration: The children learn how the garden works through the many hands-on experiences we offer in our large outdoor area and organic garden. For instance, planting, harvesting, composting, etc., teach them about sustainability, responsibility, and the interconnectedness of life. Nature exploration inspires awe and appreciation for the environment, fostering ecological awareness and stewardship.

5-Games and Physical Play: Games and physical activities become essential for motor skill development, coordination, and keeping children fit. Kids learn to play as a team, play pretty, and handle loss during running, climbing, and other sporting activities that they get involved in. Such play helps burn energy, reduce stress, and improve the child's well-being.

6-Self-Directed Exploration: The New Day School values child-directed exploration as a cornerstone of play-based learning. We provide a wealth of materials and open-ended resources for children to pursue their interests and curiosity with a sense of adventure. This builds critical thinking, problem-solving, and independent learning—enabling them to be responsible for their learning process.

The Neo-Humanist Approach

Our Neo-Humanist curriculum focuses on developing a universal outlook, mindfulness, and compassion toward all beings. Our focus is not changing the whole society into one homogenous group; instead, we are working towards an education that promotes respect for diversity, involving families in all aspects of learning, cross-cultural interactions, etc. We build integral individuals imbued with the principles of environmental sustainability, healthy living, and ethical values to be much-needed contributors to society.

A Commitment to Sustainability

One of the critical elements of the New Day School's mission is our commitment to environmental sustainability. Through optional seismic upgrades and renovation projects that meet both passive and net-zero energy standards, we are striving to create an environmentally friendly learning space to ensure that it is a place for children to grow up, which is secure and sustainable.

Join Us at New Day School

Experience the magic of play-based learning at New Day School. Our program's core is a holistic methodology aimed at nurturing your mind, body, and soul; these are vital for continuous development and education throughout life. If you want to learn more about our program or arrange a guided visit, please visit our website or contact us via phone.

Learning should be filled with fun activities that can propel children into more excellent prospects in life.