

Neo-Humanist Education

The philosophy of Neo-humanism, begins with an understanding that all beings are inherently interconnected and all beings have intrinsic value. 

According to P.R. Sarkar, (the propounder of Neo-humanism), this philosophy expands upon humanism (love for all human beings) to encompass love and compassion for all beings. With Neo-humanism as the foundation, our education system emphasizes the importance of developing the whole child in order that they may realize their highest potential.  Lessons bring to children, parents and teachers practical knowledge and expansive ideas to ponder.

Through the blending of yoga and meditation practice, artistic expression, sustainable practices, intellectual exploration, ethical values and service, the Neo-Humanist curriculum helps us see interconnections and develop deep love and respect for all.

Education is perfect knowledge of what I am and what I should do.
— P.R. Sarkar, Founder of Ananda Marga and Neo-Humanist Education

At New Day School, we describe the development of the person in terms of Movement—Awareness—Awakening.

Just as we observe and watch our children grow and learn before our eyes, in the same way, we all are learning and growing, each in their own way. We are learning and expanding our minds all on a spectrum of movement, which we call life. Our experiences and environment impact us, and as we become more aware we can begin to modify and transform our movement—we say we have become mindful of our thoughts, words, and actions. We can begin to direct our movement toward the unfolding of our inner self, we begin to awaken to our highest potential that lies within. 

Along this path of growing awareness, the longing for awakening—for understanding of the great that has been with us all along our life's journey—becomes stronger and even stronger until finally, it becomes a focal point of everything we think, do and say. We begin to truly know our connection with all. Neo-humanism is about the deepest connection of “I” and “All”. The beauty of Neo-humanism is the vibrant truth of Oneness, of connection, that which is our true nature and we long for more than anything.

We recognize the human being as an intellectual being with a core of spiritual wisdom; and we acknowledge that we evolve and are driven by the longing for greatness, which is the deeper underlying current of our lives.
— Didi Anandakrsnapriya, Director of New Day School

Ethical Value Practice

Each month we celebrate, honor, and educate on one ethical value.

January: Non-harming

February: Simple Living

March: Cleanliness

April: Contentment

May: Self-less Service

June: Uplifting Stories

July: Nature & Self-Study

August: Nature & Self-Study

September: Foundation

October: Inner Light

November: Benevolent Truthfulness

December: Sharing

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 A Day at New Day School

We offer our students an enriching curriculum grounded in our Neo-Humanist Education philosophy. 

We start our day with morning circle, consisting of verses, nursery rhymes, songs, and circle games often based on a seasonal theme. Using song, rhyme, movement and dance, children learn about weather, animals, nature and craft (cooking, building, cleaning, etc.). Morning circle incorporates language acquisition, fine and gross motor skills, creative exploration and self-discipline through play.

The morning circle is then followed by a period of free play and a guided activity. Many of the classroom materials are handmade and come from nature, with an emphasis on objects that have multiple uses and stimulate imaginative play.

Daily outdoor time, rain or shine, in New Day’s expansive play yard and gardens, provides opportunity for the children to explore and imagine in a natural setting. Natural playscape, sturdy climbing structures and bountiful gardens create many playful options and challenges for the children.

A few of the things your child will experience on any given day at New Day School:

Outside Play | Morning Circle | Gardening | Yoga | Meditation | Kiirtan | Music | Painting | Singing | Stories | Crafts | Baking | Language Learning | Neighborhood Exploration

Seasonal Festivals

The founder of Neo-Humanist Education, P.R. Sarkar says that festivals renew human existence and fill it with the joy of living.

The celebration of the various festivals is an integral part of human life. They inspire people to live with a new spirit. Festivals not only help us maintain existing relations but also provide us an opportunity to create new bonds. While the story of the festivals around the globe varies from region to region and culture to culture, the essence is the same—to rejoice in love, light, hope and happiness.



Diipavalii, A Festival of “Light” 

Diipa in Samskrta means Lamp. Diipavalii refers to illuminating the lamp within.

Each fall we celebrate Diipavalii (Diwali), the festival of light. With beautiful handmade lanterns, the children and families illuminate our expansive gardens on the Diipvavali evening, a celebration symbolizing forces of light overcoming forces of darkness.

Together we share a vegan potluck, Kiirtan, uplifting music, theater, & more.



Spring Festival

A celebration of the returning pulse of the natural world and expressing our gratitude for Mother Nature.

We celebrate a Spring Festival with the arrival of spring. Children work on learning spring songs and making beautiful art and artifacts to be shared with each other in the spirit of gratitude.

On the day of the festival, the children perform songs and a Maypole dance for their families and community members. The festival is colored with the joy of flowers, kiirtan, gifts of gratitude, a potluck and more.
